As a Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry, We provide:
At regular check-up exams, your dentist and hygienist will include the following:
Your cleaning appointment will include a dental examination and the following:
Fluoride is the most effective agent available to help prevent tooth decay. We may recommend the use of home and/or professional fluoride treatments for the following reasons: Deep pits and fissures on the chewing surfaces of teeth.
It is important to brush at least twice a day, floss regularly, eat balanced meals, reduce sugary snacks, and visit your dentist on a regular basis. Fluoride alone will not prevent tooth decay!
Tooth colored fillings (composites), sealants and preventive resin restorations, crowns (caps), replacement of prematurely lost primary teeth, mouth guards for protection of teeth during sports, toothprints for parent / police records.
Tooth colored fillings (composites), sealants and preventive resin restorations, crowns (caps), replacement of prematurely lost primary teeth, mouth guards for protection of teeth during sports, toothprints for
parent / police records.
To preserve space for eruption of permanent teeth.
Assessing the need for correction of crowding, early correction of crossbite, management of oral habits, digit / thumb sucking, abnormal swallowing, etc.
Root canal treatment (nerve treatment) of primary teeth due to extensive decay or accident.
Extraction of the teeth due to dental infection, accidents involving extensive tooth fracture, or orthodontic requirements for braces. Frenectomy for correction of tongue ties and upper teeth space.