Dentist's teeth checkup, series of related photos

This Year’s Plan for Healthy Smiles

January 10, 2022 ABC Children's Dentistry

As a parent, you always have your child’s best interests at heart, and that includes his or her dental care.  You want your child to have a healthy smile, and you know that includes regular brushing, flossing, and staying away from sugary snacks.  But what if your child needs dental care beyond the basics?  One … Continue reading "This Year’s Plan for Healthy Smiles"

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pediatric dentist san diego

Holiday Candy and Children’s Dental Health

December 07, 2021 ABC Children's Dentistry

The holidays are here, and with them comes lots of fun things to eat.  Many holiday treats that your children enjoy contain large amounts of sugar, both in liquid and solid form.  These treats can have a negative impact on your child’s dental health, so knowing how to spot and limit treats that may promote … Continue reading "Holiday Candy and Children’s Dental Health"

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Children's Dentist San Diego

The Best Nutrition for Your Child’s Dental Health

November 12, 2021 ABC Children's Dentistry

Children’s dental health consists of more than just brushing and regular checkups.  You may not realize it, but your child’s diet plays a crucial role in how well his or her teeth will develop over a lifetime, and early dietary habits often set the stage for adulthood.  In fact, one recent study suggests that higher … Continue reading "The Best Nutrition for Your Child’s Dental Health"

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Child dentist San Diego

Five Things To Do To Help Your Child Have a Beautiful Smile

October 11, 2021 ABC Children's Dentistry

We know you want your child to have the best of everything, and that includes a beautiful smile.  Your child’s dental health impacts every area of life, from physical health to emotional well-being.  A child with a healthy, vibrant smile will feel more self-confident, and this is a recipe for a happy, successful childhood!  At … Continue reading "Five Things To Do To Help Your Child Have a Beautiful Smile"

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Child Dentist San Diego

What Is the Best Dental Routine for My Child?

September 09, 2021 ABC Children's Dentistry

If you have small children, you may be wondering about their dental routine.  How soon should they start brushing, and how often should they brush?  What about regular checkups?  At ABC Dental, we want to work with you to establish the right routine for your children to protect their oral health and give them beautiful … Continue reading "What Is the Best Dental Routine for My Child?"

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Pediatric Dentist San Diego

Your Child’s First Dental Exam

August 07, 2021 ABC Children's Dentistry

If you are thinking of taking your child for his or her first dental exam, congratulations!  You are starting your child out on the right road to a lifetime of good dental health.  However, we know that you may have some questions about what will happen at your child’s first exam, so we want to … Continue reading "Your Child’s First Dental Exam"

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little girl sitting

Do I Really Need to Take My Children to a Pediatric Dentist?

July 28, 2021 ABC Children's Dentistry

Some parents do not believe that a pediatric dentist is necessary for their children.  After all, if you already have a general dentist with whom you are very comfortable and who is providing great service to you and your family, it may seem unnecessary to take your children to a pediatric dentist.  If your own … Continue reading "Do I Really Need to Take My Children to a Pediatric Dentist?"

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Wisdom Teeth Removal

Pediatric Wisdom Teeth Removal Guide

March 11, 2020 ABC Children's Dentistry

Wisdom teeth removal is fairly common. In fact, Americans have as many as 10 million wisdom teeth removed every year. However, many of us don’t know much about wisdom teeth or the removal procedure. What are wisdom teeth? Why do we even have wisdom teeth? How do you know if your child’s wisdom teeth need … Continue reading "Pediatric Wisdom Teeth Removal Guide"

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Braces for Kids

Ultimate Guide to Braces for Kids

March 10, 2020 ABC Children's Dentistry

These days, many children get braces. Kids today are sometimes excited to get braces. In their eyes, braces are a rite of passage that signals they’ll soon be teenagers and that’s exciting. As a parent, you probably have a lot of questions about braces for kids.  In this article, we will answer your questions about … Continue reading "Ultimate Guide to Braces for Kids"

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Are space maintainers really necessary

Are space maintainers really necessary?

March 08, 2020 ABC Children's Dentistry

The American Dental Association tells us that most children will have a full set of baby teeth by the time they reach the age of 3. Besides helping your child to eat his or her solid foods, baby teeth provide a crucial function by serving as placeholders for your child’s permanent teeth. But if your … Continue reading "Are space maintainers really necessary?"

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